Welcome to...the Sandbox of Mystery

This is basically an HTML sandbox. What's that? It's a free webpage for experimenting with web design. So I play around and build and test a real site layout in a generic format on this page, then go build it up somewhere else. Other than that, I'm enjoying my Neocities site, which this is, which you should get one of. Geocities hath risen from the graveyard that is Yahoo as a zombie, and that zombie is named Neocities. Get your own page via the link and have fun.

It appears I cannot make directories of my own. Ahhhhrrrrrr. Oh well, I guess I can still teach myself HTML and CSS here.

Okay, if you're wondering what's actually going to be here, it'll be my macabre coding experiments and probably the primordial version of pages for my artist's webpage that'll be coming around sooner or later. Moving along. Maybe I'll put a pretty picture up soon, or something. So, like a sandbox, pages here are going to be subject to the elements, and uh, changing with rapidity. Unless I quit for the evening. Then it's all just stuck here.

Buddha done shot hisself.